Tom Roberts
Aug 26, 2023
Mark Your Calendar for September’s Monthly Meeting and Open Mic!
On September 19, Lisa Bournelis will serve as the guest speaker at the ECW Open Mic. Lisa Bournelis is an internationally accredited change management practitioner working for one of Canada’s largest health authorities. Prior to becoming a transformation specialist, Lisa worked as a humanitarian aid worker for the United Nations and several NGOs – serving in the Balkans, in central and east Africa and in Afghanistan.
Passionate about leading compassionately through the complexities of change, Lisa began a blog and podcast on applying change management methodology in one’s personal life. It was during this time, that she authored “Louie and the Dictator” – an uplifting middle grade novella inspired by her son’s experiences with OCD during the pandemic.
The event at the Clark Family Cultural Center, downtown Pensacola, will be in-person and on Zoom (a link to be sent to all members).