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Join the KidLit Crew

A critique group for writers of children's books.


Whether you write Fiction, Nonfiction, Picture Books, Middle Grade, or Young Adult, you are welcome!


Monthly Meetings:

Virtual – 1st Monday of the month at 6:00 PM

In-Person – 3rd Sunday at 3:00 PM (Location TBD)


Email Charline for more information or join at: or call: (850) 485-0818.

Critique Groups

Portfolio & Exchange Society


Meeting Frequency

Meets On:

Meeting Time:




9:30 AM

The Portfolio & Exchange Society Critique Group meets on Zoom every
Wednesday morning. We’re a lively group looking for writers who have
a project for a year –no matter the genre, memoir, poetry, fiction,
nonfiction – 12 months to complete a project. Since the conception
of the group in January 2014, six members have published books
and a seventh writer’s manuscript is being finalized for press.
Plus, the participants are notorious for exchanging writing tips,
advice and sources. The group is limited to 10 members wtih a project.

Contact Name:

Contact Email:

Contact Phone:

Diane Skelton


Join our mailing list

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