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2024 ECW Board of Directors
Dedication. Expertise. Passion.
Tonya Dalhaus

Tonya Dalhaus is an experienced leader, manager, speaker, facilitator, and coach. A former stand-up comedian, Tonya’s work in Boston as Program Manager for a homeless shelter, serving over 150 families, has made her well acquainted with managing conflict and communication with a little humor. She now taps into those experiences when teaching public speaking, facilitation, and training to graduate students at the University of Denver.
Her past non-profit leadership roles include President of the Boston Junior Chamber, President of the University of Denver-University College Alumni Association, and Vice President of Education for the Jepp-N-Toast, Toastmaster’s Club. Additionally, she served on the board of the Longmont Community Justice Partnership with whom she received the Above and Beyond Award. As a volunteer mediator with Jefferson County Mediation, she was awarded the Volunteer of the Year Award, and the 100 Club award for mediating over 100 cases. Currently she serves on the board of the Pensacola Women’s Alliance as the Communication Trustee.
Tonya joined Emerald Coast Writers as a critique group member to work on her book: Raising Chickensaurus, a humorous handbook on how to, and how not to raise chickens. She immediately fell in love with the people and the organization for which she has a great passion. Soon after, she joined the event committee and conceived Every Picture Tells a Story—a collaboration with the Wide Angle Photography Club with which she is also a member. She currently steers the helm of the Books By The Bay festival as the Event Manager.
Her passion for creating digital photography, mixed media, and social media content lead to the forming of HenHaus Media, geared at helping authors navigate social media. In 2023, her photos of @botlthemodelchicken won first and third place at the Pensacola State Fair. You can find some of her work in this year’s Emerald Coast Review.
To relax, Tonya enjoys swinging on a hammock with a lap full of chickens. She and her husband Don have a small chicken farm with some very friendly chickens and king quail.
Vice President
Charline Barger
Mary Gutierrez

Mary Gutierrez is a Mexican American Female, the 2nd generation born in the U.S. Her father’s parents migrated to the U.S. in search of better economic opportunities and to escape political unrest. She grew up in a military family, her father was in the U.S. Air Force, so they moved a lot as do all military families. Her mother worked at home, which benefited her greatly. Although Mary was born in Aurora, Colorado, which is still one of her favorite places, she has been a resident of Northwest Florida for decades. Yet, she still believes that she is from everywhere and nowhere and maintains a gypsy spirit.
Mary has always had a special relationship with nature and animals, becoming a vegan at the age of 12 with the full blessings of her parents. Mary’s parents always encouraged their children to follow their own path and be their authentic self. Her love of nature is often reflected in her writings. She started writing at the age of 10 through journaling that eventually led to writing poetry and short stories. She has one self-published book, "Naked in the Rain” and is part of the recently published anthologies, "Word in a Web”, “Voices of the Earth: The Future of Our Planet III”, “G.I. Days: An Anthology of Military Life” and Emerald Coast Review XXII. Mary has also been published in numerous zines and magazines throughout the years.
She is an Environmental Scientist by profession and passion with a B.S. in Earth and Atmospheric Science and a M.P.A with a concentration in Sustainable Community Development. She is currently the Director for Earth Ethics, Inc., a non-profit environmental and social justice organization.
Katie Finney
Gina Cooke

Gina Cooke worked for a publisher as a Book Production Manager for seven years. She is a visual per-son interested in art and graphic design and is currently handling the graphic design projects for Books By the Bay. She joined Emerald Coast Writers (then West Florida Literary Federation) in 2014 when she attended Julie DeMarko’s weekly poetry writing group. She has also studied memoir writing and is currently working on her first book, which she hopes to publish next year. Gina feels if a person is crea-tive in one field, they can cross over into other areas, like art and music. She finds writing an outlet for her thoughts and feelings, allowing her to express herself and discover hidden truths. Her real-life expe-riences and family inspired her to write about her parents’ divorce, moving, and other adventures. Writ-ing has been a great tool for self-realization. The more she writes, she finds her voice and style.
Heather Mitchell

Heather Mitchell is an award-winning artist who has exhibited in galleries across the southeast. She specializes in coastal art, especially wading birds, and pet portraits. Heather is a great believer in late blooming, as she began her art career in her 50s and writing in her 60s, both childhood ambitions. Heather has short stories published in the 2021 and 2023 Emerald Coast Review. She is an active member of Emerald Coast Writers and the National League of American Pen Women. She acted as art judge for ECW’s Youth Writing and Art Contest, and recently assisted in the production of Nobis II, the second anthology of the local Pen Women branch. She participates in critique groups and attends far too many webinars about writing and getting published. Heather is a former adult literacy tutor, and advocates for the protection of the freedom to read.
Heather is a dog-mom to adopted schnauzer-mix Evie, who is great company in the studio and reminds her of the importance of walks, naps, and treats.
Jennifer Aicher Powell
Terri Barlotta

Terri Barlotta is a retired RN, living in Mary Esther, with her husband Nick. She enjoys beach walks, reading, and tending her plants. She and Nick love traveling and spending time with family.
Terri loved creative writing during her school years and is eagerly pursuing her passion in retirement. She journals and writes poetry, prose, flash fiction, and short stories. Since becoming a member of Emerald Coast Writers, she has participated in two writing groups, a “Memories to Memoir” class, turning memories into vibrant stories for future generations, and “Word Weavers,” developing skills in poetry, flash fiction, and micro-writing forms.
Terri earned her first college credit in writing this year, after taking Creative Writing I at Northwest Florida State College with Dr. Jessica Temple.
Her work has been published in two Memoir class anthologies, “Collections,” and “Mosaic of Nature,” and a Word Weavers Anthology, “Words in a Web.” This year, her poem, “Molten Gold Sunset,” and memoir, “Nursing School Psychiatric Rotation,” were published in the Emerald Coast Review. Terri is grateful for the growth she has experienced as a writer through opportunities provided by Emerald Coast Writers.
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