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The Spill

The Real Question

Robert McGee

For the past 28 years Robert McGee, a native of Clarksdale, Mississippi, has lived in Mobile, Alabama, where he works in a factory. He is married with two grown children. Collecting old books and writing poems are his favorite hobbies. He has a burgeoning appetite for history and art.

Lingering on the cusp at or near wits’ end—

Dare I even say it — here we go again!

Day and night, praying to awaken

From another nightmare . . .

The question first was posed

On the various TV news shows—

In the midst of a worsening crisis

As millions of gallons were gushing.

Despite being conflicted

By some sense of sound judgment,

I listened as the pundits opined

With the ease of their expertise

On the volatile nature of a man-made beast—

About which little is truly known.

In the midst of a worsening crises,

Undoubtedly, I was appalled (and still am)

By all that I heard and saw;

And any such contemplation of one

Of any number of frightening scenarios

Renders trepidation logical.

But back to that question (most critical)

That managed to make the morning rounds—

The question that reared its unsightly head

(In the midst of catastrophe, mind you)

With cameras rolling and the world tuned in:

“Is this (the Oil Spill) a gamechanger?”

(dry was the city below the sea

before the levees failed;

tall stood the two towers

before the horrors of 9/11;

pristine was a wilderness

prior to the wreck of the Exxon Valdez)

Whenever I think of the aforementioned question,

I am more than vexed by its implication.

But what is most excruciating —

Much more so than what was asked

Is what was not—

The Question that is screaming still:

Why Must We Have A Gamechanger

In Order To Change The Game?

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