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The Spill
Cathy Ncube
Cathy Ncube lives in Pensacola, FL. She has worked as computer software programmer/analyst, visiting instructor and assistant professor in computer science. She is married and has three grown children. She has written short plays/skits/poems for her church and articles for academia. Cathy enjoys writing poetry based on biblical scriptures, current events, American history, social and international issues. She can be reached at
Oilfall Unknown
Computer models
Forecast uncertain oilfall
The unknown overwhelms
Footprints and Promises
As he walked and talked
On oily gulf shores, Hayward
Left footprints and promises
Obama Oilcare
Obama Oilcare:
Twenty billion dollars now!
Hayward spewed them out
We Cared, “Small People”
We cared, “small people”
We damaged your Gulf Coast, then
Sent Tony Hayward
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